Petri Lehtinen, Head of Unit, Finland


Name: Petri Lehtinen
Nickname: Pete
Caverion City: Helsinki
Education background: Electrical technician
My title: Head of Unit

My career path at Caverion: I joined ABB Installations Oy in 1998 as a project manager. After that I have worked as a business manager and an unit manager at Caverion.

What is my usual working day like: My “normal” working day before Covid-19 already feels rather distant to me. It has been interesting to see how, in a couple of months, exceptional circumstances become the everyday life, both at work and in free time.

My typical workday includes different kind of meetings, both internal and external. My meetings with customers mostly concern future projects. Also, I am sometimes the contact person on various issues regarding to ongoing projects, as well. The most fascinating part of my job is definitely the cooperation with customers in various operational projects and product development projects. Our internal meetings are mostly related to business monitoring and reporting and implementing the necessary measures/actions.

I tend to plan carefully in advance my work schedule weekly and daily basis, however, it is the rule rather than the exception that the plan must be modified due to unexpected external factors such as essential customer needs. However, despite the change in circumstances, scheduling has proved to be a crucial thing in order to get things done in time and in a right order.

My hobbies: Hockey, floorball, sailing, skiing, cycling, photography and golf. Priorities variate according to the season and my mood.

My childhood dream profession: the reflection is still ongoing.

If I was a cartoon hero, I would be: Children have called me Bob the Builder

Best thing at Caverion: Colleagues!