Technical expert Sanni

Kuva Sanni Vallamo

Name: Sanni Vallamo
Caverion City: Rauma, Finland
My education: Vocational school

My job description: Technical expert
My career path at Caverion: After finishing vocational school (the metal side), I went to Laitila to manufacture ball valves. I had a good time and also studied robot welding for a while, but it didn’t feel like my own. “Do the work you appreciate,” someone said and I went on a tig welding course. I said goodbye to the valves and found a job that really interested me. After training for the winter, I ended up on an internship at Caverion: for a couple of weeks to try what it feels like. I immediately got a summer job and we are still on that road, in valve maintenance.

What is my usual working day like: Welding is still a part of my job, but much less of it today. Instead, I maintain valves that I had already decided to leave to others ’grief. I specialize in safety valves and to my surprise the valves are nice again! 3 years can accommodate a lot of learning, making mistakes and laughing. In my case, mostly laughter. 

My hobbies: Jogging and drawing
If I were a cartoon hero, I would be: I would reportedly be Little Myy from Moomin
Childhood dream profession: Artist

And what do you think is best part of working at Caverion?

It’s always nice to come to work when you appreciate what you do and the people you do it with. At Caverion, I have met a lot of wise and experienced people all over Finland - both our people and customers. Not everyone seems to remember that running a single factory smoothly requires an enormous amount of work, knowledge, and skills that should not be taken for granted. Each employee play their part - big or small. Many hard-working employees are often left without praise, which results making sacrifices, working hard, and lost night’s sleep certainly feel futile.

It is said that hard work never gets a medal in the chest which is true, but I still greatly admire the skill and passion surrounding me. Luckily, I get to work again on Monday and even if I make mistakes, I learn something again.