Zakariye Abdule, Service Technician

Service technician Abdule Zakariye

"I am happy to have chosen this occupation and look forward to every new workday! I enjoy that there is always something new to learn. "

Zakariye Abdule, Service technician 

Zakariye Abdule has been working for Caverion since 2018. He started his career as a temporary helper and one year later started his apprenticeship in installation and building technology. After coming to Austria as a refugee from Somalia, he managed to develop into a service technician through his unwavering commitment.

Why did you choose this occupation?
Honestly, I wasn't sure what the job as an installer entails in the beginning. Now, I am really happy to have chosen this path and look forward to every new workday at Caverion. 

How does a typical day look for you? 
Every day is different - my daily work routine includes assembly tasks as well as maintenance and repair work. I am always deployed to different job sites, and I enjoy that aspect.

What is the best thing about Caveiron? 
I enjoy the work environment and the great colleagues. 

Do you have an interesting fact that you would like to share about your career at Caverion?
I only learned at Caverion what a heating system really is. There is no such heating systems in Somalia since the outside temperature is often 40°C. Today, as a service technician, I know all about it.